Félise de Conflans
Lives and works in Paris
The Mirror / Stars aligned
It was really warm when Félise de Conflans started working on the show The Mirror. First sense of déjà-vu.
The series of paintings in the exhibition evokes the ambiguous relationship between science and nature.
What controls what? What precedes what? What explains what? The artist's paintings seem like tales.
As in a laboratory, they each constitute the place of a story, the result of an experiment.
The microscope is an observation tool. It is also a portal towards the infinite world of the invisible.
The paintings of Félise de Conflans are both surfaces and spaces. Their fuzzy edges, cut according to
the wood's veins of the frame, evoke a possibility of extension in size but also of elongation in depth.
In an organic way, the life that inhabits the painting, plants or animals, pushes the limits of the frame,
whose form shapes their movement in return.
Everything is symbol in the paintings of Félise de Conflans, encrypted language. The alchemy at work
breaks the geometry of the checkerboard, puts the last plane first, turns the light bulb into a moon.
In the space of the canvas, the architecture coordinates itself. The painting is a window, the painting is
a labyrinth, the painting is a door, the painting is a mirror, doubling the confusion between representation
and reality.
The double of the studio as an exhibition space, the double of the characters who often come back twice
in the series of paintings, the double world, the one that is here from which we look, and the one we imagine
on the other side. When we dream in front of a wallpaper, when we scroll on our phone, when we surf on
the internet. Reality is made of images that contain enigmas. Words are energies. Together, they are a double
that reassures us and keeps us warm.
Elisa Rigoulet
Photo credits : Romain Darnaud